Rubén Alonso

ICT & Robotics
Rubén Alonso holds a Diploma of Advanced Studies on Computing Systems from the University of the Basque Country and a Computer Science and Engineering degree from the University of Deusto. He has been involved in industrial and research projects since 2004, mainly related to computational trust, security and embedded systems. He was part of the Trust and Security Unit of the European Software Institute and responsible of the security and embedded systems group of Visual Tools. He was also Visiting Researcher in VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the University of Trento. His fields of interest are related to Linux embedded systems, robotics, IT security and data mashups. He has experience in the European Framework Programmes (proposals and projects) as well as industrial experience with various firms.

Main area of activity in R2M:

Rubén Alonso is focused on research and innovation activities related to ICT and Robotics, including MARIO and MARE projects.

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