Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy Buildings

MEZeroE is an EU distributed open innovation ecosystem for: 1) developing nZEB Enabler Envelope technology solutions; 2) transferring knowledge; 3) matching testing needs with existing facilities; 4) providing monitoring in living labs and standardizing cutting-edge solutions coming from SMEs and larger industries, to foster inclusive change in the building sector. All these services and the relevant information are made accessible to all users via a single-entry point, which is a digital multi-sided platform. MEZeroE allows the development of ground-based solutions focused on carbon neutrality and healthy indoor environment, validated with advanced assessment methods and services, recognized protocols, and long-term vision to embrace industry 4.0 trends, rapid decision making and customer-centric requirements. MEZeroE accompanies enterprises in adopting the Open Innovation approach comprising discovery (phase 1), empowering (phase 2), and exploiting (phase 3).