Mario Cortese

International Relations, Business Development
Mario has consolidated several years of experience in the management and coordination of international development cooperation and research projects across Europe, the Middle East and Mediterranean area. He obtained a Master in Local and International Development (MILD) from the Orientale University in Naples and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Naples Federico II. Mario has been committed to designing and executing actions in the fields of capacity building, enhancement of the formal educational process, technical assistance and support to private sector and MSMEs, rural development, energy, environment and sustainable constructions and support to civil society organizations within initiatives promoted by UN Agencies, EU and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mario has also developed a fruitful experience as an international consultant and business analyst regarding the promotion of foreign investments in Egypt and the commercial relations between Italy and the Middle East assisting SMEs, industrial associations, NGOs, chambers of commerce, fair organizers and public institutions in their international operations. He has also served as a trainer and professor at the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Cairo and at the Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

Main area of activity in R2M:

Mario is R2M deputy manager of the innovation division and financial coordinator for R2M EU project portfolio. He is also leading the innovation consulting team providing assistance to organizations in their EU operations, in accessing to funding and in developing project proposals. Mario is involved in business analysis and modelling within the EU research projects NESOI, SPHERE, MINISTOR, INNOQUA, PVSITES, Nature4Cities and Built2Spec.

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