
Adaptive and adaptable envelope RES solutions for energy harvesting to optimize EU building and district load

EnergyMatching – Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching. EnergyMatching aims at developing adaptive and adaptable envelope and building solutions for maximizing RES (Renewable Energy Sources) harvesting: versatile click&go substructure for different cladding systems (R3), solar window package (R4), modular appealing BIPV envelope solutions (R5), RES harvesting package to heat and ventilate (R6). Such solutions are integrated into energy efficient building concepts for self-consumers connected in a local area energy network (energyLAN). EnergyMatching optimisation tool (R2) enables the best matching between local RES-based energy production and building load profiles, and simplifies the energy demand management for the energy distributors.

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