
Augmented Reality Snag Listing Tool For Construction

Screenshot 2021-07-13 123220

Rialto is an Augmented RealIty based clash detection and defect management reporting on-site, during inspections and post-construction maintenance. RIALTO provides great features, such as, the automatic location and automatic displaying information over objects, overlaying and voice entry capabilities, and synchronisation with Construction Management Software.

Augmented Reality (AR) is being used increasingly in both personal and professional spheres. The construction sector is not unaware of these technologies, although it is a fairly traditional sector. Augmented reality applications can contribute to have an effective, efficient and interactive construction management. Among all construction activities, in RIALTO we are targeting clash detection and defect management reporting on-site, during inspections and post-construction maintenance. In particular, our objective is to conceptualize and develop an Augmented RealIty based snag listing tool for the construction sector. A snag list is an auditing report used in construction projects, including a list of all the detected faults and defects in construction items. This report allows the people involved in the construction, operation and monitoring to locate defects easily for fixing them. 

We observed that the most used solutions (e.g.: paper listings, or in some uncommon cases the reports created through mobile application) lack some interesting features that AR systems could offer (e.g 3D positioning, hands free operation or searchable vocal annotations). We believe that devices such as Microsoft HoloLens or mobile devices with AR capabilities, that are able to capture voice and gestures, can be used to collect “snags” the AR solution can push back to a cloud service or to a Construction Management Software to be shared with the rest of the team or even stakeholders. Images and annotations taken by the operator can be provided to the back-end systems, for automatic update of the construction data and BIM models.

Compared to current snag list applications, RIALTO adds some other great features, such as, the automatic location and measurements through HMD cameras and sensors, automatic displaying information over objects, overlaying and comparing design models to as-built models and the voice entry capabilities. That will allow the entering of snag list entities, quickly and rapidly, around 30% faster compared to other applications. Moreover, It will simultaneously share views and information with other stakeholders that are not physically present on site. On the other hand, issue management can be time-consuming, but through RIALTO, documentation can be rapidly created, and even delegate tasks digitally through verbal commands to team members. This means less time in the office and more time on site.

For any information you might need. We will assist you throughout the process.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the XR4ALL project with grant agreement No 825545

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