Riinu Härmas

Innovation projet manager | Expert in material sciences
Riinu Härmas defended her PhD in Chemistry in the University of Tartu in Estonia. Her thesis and publications are mostly about the characterization of porous carbon materials and hydrogen storage in these materials using neutron and X-ray scattering methods. In parallel with research activities, Riinu has been active in education and the creation of study materials. In addition to succesfully supervising students, during PhD, she worked part-time as an editor for chemistry e-textbooks. Furthermore, Riinu participated in designing an open online course on hydrogen technologies in the University of Tartu. For that course, she put together comprehensive lectures on energy storage, hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and synthetic fuels. To date, that course has had more than 600 participants from all areas of life. She is also a member of the Estonian Hydrogen association and to help make hydrogen technologies become a reality she contributed to the writing of several project proposals related to hydrogen in Estonia before joining R2M.

Main area of activity in R2M:

In August 2023, Riinu joined the R2M French branch as an innovation projet manager and expert in material sciences. She is involved in projects NESOI, WEDISTRICT and HYBRIDplus and contributes to the further development of the French branch in the domain of chemistry and material science.

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